What is your anchor?

filosofi, general, life, english

what determines your habits, decisions and actions? #

I’ve come to realize that I thrive on the steady rhythm of purpose and goals. Call it my anchor, if you will. When I’m immersed in a project, when I have a goal to chase, the gears of my existence seem to sync up seamlessly, everything just falls into place. I tend to wake up earlier, I’m more focused, and I feel more alive. It’s as if my life is a ship, and my purpose is the anchor that keeps me grounded and propels me forward.

Now, I’m not claiming to be the only one sailing this ship. Some brilliant minds have traversed similar waters, shedding light on the peculiar relation between productivity and purpose. Nietzsche, an atheist philosopher, once wrote, “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” It resonates deeply, doesn’t it? The ‘why’ becomes the anchor, pulling us through the stormy seas of distraction and lethargy. those who have a clear sense of purpose are more likely to endure the unimaginable. It’s a stark reminder that having a project, a goal, is not merely a luxury but a lifeline.

But why does this happen? Why does my motivation spike when I’m chasing something? Mihaly Csik-(some long name) introduced the concept of “flow,” that magical state where you’re so engrossed in an activity that time seems to slip away. It’s not just about being productive; it’s about being in the zone, where every effort is effortless. and i think that is what i am subconsciously chasing. that state of flow.

So, what’s your anchor in life? Is it a creative project that makes your heart race? A goal that propels you out of bed in the morning? In the grand tapestry of existence, these anchors are the threads that put purpose into our days. They transform the mundane into the extraordinary.

In the end, it’s not just about being busy; it’s about being purposefully busy. It’s about finding that anchor that keeps you grounded and propels you forward. As the saying goes, “A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.”